Your learning outcomes for this training:

  1. Using brain science, understand the neurophysiology of anxiety; why you feel the way you feel and how to feel more positive and in control of your mind

  2. Learn about the regions of the brain implicated in intrusive thoughts and the innner critical voice

  3. Understand how to dislodge the old anxiety wiring in the brain and rewire the brain for calm and confidence

  4. Understand the eight major types of inner critics that sustain anxiety disorders, sabotaging the overall results of therapy.

  5. Understand how to retrain and recaliberate the fear and anxiety centre in the brain for a greater level of calm

  6. Learn effective steps to shrink the inner critics

  7. Understand how to free traumatic fozen energy of toxic shame, fear and guilt that perpetuates the inner critic attacks

 Other focuses for the day:

• How to avoid the typical mistakes made in treating anxiety-related disorders.

• How to help clients with past traumas without triggering overwhelming negative emotions which often result in major relapses.

• How to manage major relapses.

What Attendees Are Saying

“Thank you so much for this webinar.  I have learnt a lot about neurobiology and neurochemistry, which will certainly  inform my work with clients.  Also the dietary side of increasing serotonin.  Wale is very knowledgeable, but able to convey the material in a way which even a lay person like myself can understand!  I will take away the encouragement to use self compassion, for myself and for my clients.” Christine C., Counsellor, Supervisor & Trainer (20/7/20)

“I found the course informative and will be able to use the information in my practice immediately. “Nancy M., Wellbeing Clinical Manager (20/7/20)

“The style, delivery and knowledge of the trainer was excellent. Detailed handouts and added bonus of the meditations with scripts. Refreshing to hear the holistic importance and how the brain misfunctions after trauma which can be from dna or when in the womb. Will support me to adapt and flow more smoothly to each client’s individual need. It was online so I was comfortable at home and finding I am able to participate in more trainings then pre-Covid as no costs of time off or for having to pay for dog sitters, no wage loss, plus no added costs for travel/accommodation/snacks – win win!” Kay E. Emotional & Chronic Pain Therapist (20/7/20)

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found it very interesting. I am looking forward to playing it back once I receive the recording so as to go over everything. Really recommended course, thanks so much Wale.” Samantha K., Psychologist (20/7/20)

“This course is very helpful and complements many other courses I have attended with Wale. I’m sure many of us at some point or another in our lives have experienced the ‘inner critic’ and I would definitely recommend this on both a personal and professional basis. I love how an holistic approach is viewed and adapted which is so important. I found the vagus nerve exercise particularly useful as I work with many young people and teenagers with ADHD, Autism, and trauma related. Thank you Wale for sharing your experience and information which is so helpful.” Diane M. (2/7/20)

“I must admit to preferring the course being online as it was more convenient and the fact that I could go back and re-listen suited me.” Jackie R., Birth and Postnatal Doula (2/7/20)

“Fantastic event. Very well researched and very well delivered.” Paula S., Psychospiritual Soul Mechanic (2/7/20)

“Thank you for the Treating Intrusive Thoughts webinar this evening, it was fascinating and I learned so many new things on the relationship between feelings and the brain as well as the issues around food and seratonin. Lots to think about!” Joanne H. (2/7/20)

“Thoroughly appreciated level of information and delivery.” Beryl V., Teacher & Workshop Facilitator (2/7/20)

“I have really enjoyed our session today. It has given me ideas of how to work more effectively with my clients due to my own understanding. I can use the 8 critics to help them understand themselves and therefore facilitating therapeutic change. Also highlighted my own awareness of early life issues and how these have in the past led to anger and isolation. Also my own inner critical voice and how at times this can get out of hand and how my diet can affect and have an impact on this.” Sam B. Counsellor (2/7/20)

“Wale is very good at what he does and made the webinar very interesting and a joy to watch.” Sharon M. (22/6/20)

“I would highly recommend this seminar to other counsellors and I feel that I have grown myself by taking part today and will be able to integrate into my practice. I am a person-centered integrative counsellor working under the banner of a local church. (I believe that this particular theory/teaching is also very much in keeping with my own personal Christian faith.)” Karen B., Counsellor (27/5/20)

“Really enjoyed the course, relevant contents and was delivered well.” Thank you Mary R., Counsellor (27/5/20)

Course Accreditation:

This course is quality-checked by the National Counselling Society.

The National Counselling Society’s register has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority under its Accredited Registers programme.

Accreditation offers practitioners working in counselling a means of demonstrating their personal commitment to meeting high standards by joining The National Counselling Society or another accredited register.

Accreditation means that The National Counselling Society has met the Authority’s demanding standards in the following areas: training, setting standards, governance, quality of information provided, professionalism in handling complaints and education.