Your learning outcomes for this training:

    • understand the BASIC  brain science of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and recovery; suitable for individuals with major depressive disorder(MDD) wanting to understand their brain and symptoms better, student counsellors & experienced practitioners who intend to use basic neuroscience of MDD to complement their existing modalities and knowledge-base to help individuals with depression
    • causes of MDD and their genetic implications
    • understand key neurotransmitters implicated in MDD and how to optimised them
    • learn about the regions of the brain involved in major depression and their symptoms
    • learn about the links between depression, stress and other anxiety-related disorders such as OCD, and PTSD
    • get all your questions answered on depression and other anxiety-related conditions

What Attendees Are Saying:

“I have found that I struggle to support clients who have depression. I seem to get stuck in their depressive moods, and I needed some CPD to improve my skill set in this area of therapy. Because I know you offer practical exercises as well as educate on the neuroscience, I knew this course would help me to understand this mental health condition more fully. I was not disappointed. It was very relaxed and interactive. The metaphors used to explain were excellent; this made it easier for me to grasp this complex topic more successfully. In addition, the audio files and script give excellent reference and tools for further supporting the client.” Jean M., Counsellor (29/10/12)

“Wale helps to understand scientific/technical language and makes learning easier.” Chrissy N., Counsellor (12/10/20)

“Brilliant! I love the way Wale makes this information accessible and have total admiration and gratitude for all the work that Wale and MindBodyBreakthrough are putting out into the world.” Louise L., Mindset & Wellbeing Coach (23/9/20)

“Thank you for an excellent short course on depression. As a Counsellor it is great to hear your views backed up by the studies you referenced throughout the webinar.” Wendy S., Counsellor (23/9/20)

“The course was a very informative and detailed explanation of the neurological effect depression has on the brain. I found it fascinating and Wale is a brilliant teacher. I found him easy to listen to and he broke down all the immense detail into learnable chunks.” Holly W. (23/9/20)

“There was a lot to take in which was great. MindBody Breakthrough always delivers with a positive vibe and energy…thank you.” Kellie F., Trainee Counsellor (23/9/20)