Intrusive thoughts and inner critical voice are the most notorious breeders of anxiety disorders. And sufferers can experience a great deal of unwanted thoughts and compulsive negative thinking, generating various kinds of negative feelings and emotions, such as: guilt, shame, self-condemnation, poor self-esteem, feelings of unworthiness, stress and anxiety.

You Will Need More Than Positive Thinking Or Distraction Techniques To Eliminate Compulsive Negative and Unwanted Thoughts…

Compulsive unwanted thoughts and inner critical voice are specific outlets of anxiety disorders. And as such, they cannot be stopped by merely changing the way you think. It doesn’t just work! Likewise, you can’t outgrow them by just ignoring them, using distraction techniques. This only makes them grow bigger and more debilitating…

Your intrusive thoughts and inner critical voice are anxiety outlets which your emotional brain is DELIBERATELY generating to protect you from being exposed to much bigger pains or repressed negative emotions within your psyche…

This is why you can’t thinking more positively enough to get rid of compulsive unwanted thoughts, fueled by underlying anxiety disorders. Until the source of your intrusive thoughts or inner critical voice is healed and transformed, your symptoms will continue to strengthen themselves – because they feel they are doing you a BIG favour…

For you to be able to get your peace of mind restored, you will need to realise that your intrusive thoughts and inner critical voice is a personality within your psyche, carrying out a so called “important” role of protecting your psyche from bigger threats, which have been identified in your subconscious mind…

What Should Your Immediate Goal Be…?

Now your goal is to make sure your outlet of anxiety is relieved from its protective role, and this is when you’ll have your full life back from anxiety disorders…

There are proven psycho-therapeutic steps you can take to make sure your compulsive intrusive thinking is relieved from its extreme protective role. Once these steps are taken, your entire thought-life and mind becomes transformed. You can now enjoy your life, give your mind a deserved rest, take full charge of your emotional life and save yourself from a lot of emotional sufferings and headaches.

What This Porgramme Will Do For You:

This is an intensive, 13-step psychotherapeutic, online programme designed to:

  • Heal and transform the source of your intrusive thoughts and inner critical voice.
  • Empower your mind and body for calm, happiness and confidence – so that you can enjoy your life to the full and maximize your potential.
  • Eliminate generated stress and anxiety symptoms as a result of the activities of the intrusive thoughts and inner critical voice within the psyche.
  • Increase your mental resilience and emotional intelligence to stay above compulsive negative thinking for life.

Your learning outcomes for this training are:

  1. Understand the seven major types of inner critics that sustain anxiety disorders, sabotaging the overall results of therapy.
  2. Understand the three major categories of intrusive thoughts and how their effective treatments can improve your success rates.
  3. Master the three elements of the human psyche which underpin transformation from anxiety-related disorders.
  4. Know how to successfully administer the 13 psychotherapeutic steps for treating anxiety-related disorders such as intrusive thoughts, the inner critical voice, OCD, PTSD, panic attacks, agoraphobia, and depression.
  5. Keys to assisting others protect their transformation post-therapy.

 Other focuses for the day:

  • How to avoid the typical mistakes made in treating anxiety-related disorders.
  • How to help others with past traumas without triggering overwhelming negative emotions which often result in major relapses.
  • How to manage major relapses.

What Previous Attendees Are Saying

“Very informative. Learned some new things and it has re-enforced things that maybe I wasn’t open to but am now! A. Taylor, Sufferer

“I have enjoyed  Treating Intrusive Thoughts Course. It will be good to use on myself and others.” N. Pennistone, Hypnotherapist

“Good understanding of intrusive thoughts. Will be able to apply the knowledge gained on rewiring my brain (loved it).” K.Mellar, Sufferer

“Very informative for a first step into this area. Good clear course and good participation. Excellent style of teaching.” Y. Singleton, Occupational Therapist, Hoarding Specialist

“Excellent – very informative.” J. Dowdeswell, Occupational Therapist

“As a therapist, I have learnt a new format of technique for people with fear-based conditions. Workshop easy to follow and apply.” N. Shanti, Clinical Hypnotherapist/Trainer

Course Accreditation:

This course is quality-checked by the National Counselling Society.

The National Counselling Society’s register has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority under its Accredited Registers programme.

Accreditation offers practitioners working in counselling a means of demonstrating their personal commitment to meeting high standards by joining The National Counselling Society or another accredited register.

Accreditation means that The National Counselling Society has met the Authority’s demanding standards in the following areas: training, setting standards, governance, quality of information provided, professionalism in handling complaints and education.