Of course, you can dislodge the old wiring of anxiety in the brain and re-programme your brain for calm and confidence, if you know the right steps to take.
Having taught on this subject around the country, the F.E.A.R. Model recovery steps for transforming anxiety disorder may be what you need to transform yourself once and for all or any of your loved ones suffering from anxiety.
Simple but very effective. Many sufferers are now experiencing a new life of peace and positivity. It works for both adults and children and you do not have to be a professional to even help others with it.
There are 5 building blocks that perpetuate anxiety disorders. Each building block feeds the other and maintains the vicious cycle of anxiety escalations. Unless you break the cycle, anxiety will be hard to overcome. Here are the five building blocks:
- Life experience: Life happens to us all. All of our unpleasant life experiences generate different levels of negative emotions. Some of these negative emotions are capable of forcing us into negative emotions such as fear, guilt, inferiority or anger.
- Pattern of Thoughts. Once we feel the fear, guilt, inferiority or anger, it begins to shape our thinking. If we think negative thoughts long enough (through worrying and rumination), a habitual pattern of negative thinking is formed.
- Feelings. This compulsive negative thinking then generates corresponding feelings within us. Feeling has enormous creative power in human body. Whatever we continue to feel, we will eventually create in reality. If you feel fearful, panicky, anxious or scared, it is just a matter of time before you begin to manifest it physically.
- Physical Symptoms. Once a negative feeling has been felt for so long, it creates physical symptoms that are consistent with the nature of your feeling. This can include anxiety, panic, depression or physical illness caused by the mind activities (psychosomatic illnesses).
- Avoidance Mechanism. The brain is designed around avoiding pain. Once you experience physical symptoms of anxiety, the next thing you want to do is to start avoiding any situation, thoughts or people that may trigger those physical symptoms again. You start avoiding social gathering or you may start to turn to other avoidance mechanisms such as alcohol or drugs. If avoidance persists, it builds up your anxiety, even though it seems to provide a short-term relief. Unless an effective recovery solution is used, another unpleasant life experience is inevitable. This is because avoidance mechanism always links back to the top point (life experience) in order to keep the cycle of anxiety going.
The F.E.A.R. Model is designed to short-circuit this vicious cycle. It dismantles the ingrained anxiety disorder and re-wires it for peace and tranquility.
Check the F.E.A.R. Model Recovery Steps Here and check out what others who have gone through the course are saying.
Best Regards,
P.S. Please do get in touch if you have any questions. I will get back to you ASAP.
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