PTSD is generally related to a single traumatic event, while complex PTSD is related to a series of events, or one prolonged event. A doctor may diagnose complex PTSD if a person has experienced prolonged or repeated trauma over a period of months or years.

Traumas connected to childhood neglect or abandonment seem to be central to the the development of onset c-PTSD. Since complex PTSD is a relatively recent concept, healthcare professionals may instead diagnose another condition due to its variable and complex nature. They may be likely to diagnose borderline personality disorder (BPD). Studies have found a substantial overlap between complex PTSD and BPD.

  • Complex PTSD – A doctor may diagnose complex PTSD if you experienced multiple traumatic events at an early age and lasted for a long time: Symptoms of c-PTSD may include the following:
  • traumatic flashbacks and re-enactment (feeling like the trauma is happening right now)
  • intrusive thoughts or images
  • nightmares
  • intense distress at real or symbolic reminders of the trauma
  • physical sensations such as pain, sweating, nausea, dizziness or trembling
  • feeling as if you are permanently defective or worthless
  • feeling like nobody can understand what happened to you
  • Heightened startle reaction
  • avoiding friendships and relationships, or finding them very difficult
  • difficulty controlling your emotions
  • feeling very hostile or suspiscious towards the world
  • regular suicidal feelings.
  • panicking when reminded of the trauma
  • disturbed sleep or a lack of sleep
  • irritability or aggressive behaviour
  • finding it hard to concentrate – including on simple or everyday tasks
  • being jumpy or easily startled
  • self-destructive behaviour or recklessness
  • other symptoms of anxiety
  • feeling like you have to keep busy
  • avoiding anything that reminds you of the trauma
  • being unable to remember details of what happened
  • feeling emotionally numb or cut off from your feelings
  • feeling physically numb or detached from your body
  • being unable to express affection
  • using alcohol or drugs to avoid memories
  • Inability to recall key features of the trauma
  • Overly negative thoughts and assumptions about oneself or the world
  • Exaggerated blame of self or others for causing the trauma
  • Negative affect
  • Decreased interest in activities
  • Feeling isolated
  • Difficulty experiencing positive affect
  • Irritability or aggression
  • Risky or destructive behaviour
  • Hypervigilance
  • Your learning outcomes for this training:

    • an in-depth understanding on how c-PTSD affects brain function and ways to rebalance the brain for calm
    • the biochemistry of c-PTSD and recovery
    • The regions of the brain involved in c-PTSD and how to calm them down
    • Why a c-PTSD brain can be reluctant to seek help and move on (especially in trauma connected to domestic violence and abuse)
    • The links between c-PTSD and anxiety-related disorders such as OCD, and social anxiety and how to achieve transformation
    • Identifying and coping with CPTSD flashbacks
    • Meditations for healing the fragmented self
    • The A.S.I.E.C.C. framework for Healing c-PTSD

    Additional materials to have access to:

    • Healthy Self-Concept Meditation & Script for Complex PTSD Survivors
    • Strengthening Self-Compassion and Exposing the Inner Critics Exercise & Meditation
    • Healing Toxic Shame and Strengthening Self-Compassion: Mirror Exercise, Retrospective Self-Awareness Exercise & Meditation
    • Exposing and Renegotiating Trans-Generational Trauma Exercise (Family History Work) & Visualisation
    • Toxic shame Reduction Meditation
    • Healing the Inner Child Meditation

    Other focuses:

      • How to avoid the typical mistakes made in treating c-PTSD
      • Tips for minimising major relapses

TESTIMONIALS: What Previous Attendees Are Saying:

“Thank you for your informative and insightful compact course, I have done many workshop on the Mind-Body connection, but yours is one of the best so far.” Melissa S. Integrative Counsellor

“Another fantastic course.  Your presentation is so detailed, informative, and patient.  I value the amount of energy you give, and the resources that you offer are so appreciated.” Elizabeth F. Sufferer

“Thank you for your brilliant workshop – it has certainly given me some new ways of working and reassured me that I have been correct in staying with trying to stabilise clients before moving into the ‘trauma’.” Kate R. Children and Young Person’s Counsellor

“Excellent course. Very informative and delivered in a way that I was able to understand and follow. Thank you.” Jacqueline A. Counsellor

“I attended the all day webinar yesterday. I found it really helpful. There was a lot of neurobiology and neuro-chemistry which I really appreciated, that was what I was looking for. There is a lot to digest but I look forward to reflecting on the power point and my notes in due course. I am currently training in Internal Family Systems and hope to do training in sensorimotor psychotherapy and found yesterday’s presentation helpful in consolidating my belief in bringing in the somatic. Anyway, thank you for your engaging and knowledgeable teaching.” Paula H.

“Thank you so much for such an excellent,  informative and useful online course today. I’ve learnt LOADS!!! :-)” Sarah C.

The course was excellent and well presented. It covered a lot of useful material and has enhanced my ability to identify and work with clients with CPTSD. Usually I would not have been able to attend because the venue is outside London, but because it was online I could. Siata M., Integrative Counsellor

Lovely webinar! Thank you so much! I learnt a lot from the comfort of my own home and it was actually lovely being able to get up and move to stretch and still listen actively and not get judged for getting up!” Alex A., Senior Physiotherapist

“An enormous thank you for providing such an interesting and informative course on CPTSD.  Having previously attended one of your excellent courses I was delighted I could continue my studies from the comfort of my own home.  In many ways I preferred it because of the convenience.  I am looking forward to attending your next course on OCD as well.” Hazel J. Trainee Therapist

“Lovely webinar! Thank you so much! I learnt a lot from the comfort of my own home and it was actually lovely being able to get up and move to stretch and still listen actively and not get judged for getting up!” Alex A., Senior Physiotherapist

“I very much enjoyed your informative online workshop. I made lots of notes and feel more confident supporting clients with PTSD (complex) now as a counsellor. Thank you.” Zafar, A.

“I really enjoyed today’s webinar. What I have learnt from this course is this; I work intuitively with clients blending psychology into my modalities as you know, this course showed me that I am on the right track and can put the science behind it in a more understandable format. Thank you once again, Wale, very enjoyable. Kind regards,” Paula, S.

“Thank you for this online course. I really enjoyed learning from your experiences and reflecting on how I can help some of the clients I am working with. I would recommend the course to someone like me newly qualified and deciding on an area to specialise in. You made what is a complex area easier to understand and I will now embark on more training on PTSD and CPTSD.” Fiona

“Thank you for a great online course. As a practicing counsellor you have built my knowledge on how to assess where a client is in their C-PTSD journey. I feel able to keep myself safe with an understanding of their process and how to support the client on their healing journey. Thank you so much for your information. It was eye opening and practical and I can’t wait to use it in practice. Kind regards.” Sebastian H., Counsellor

“Very interesting theories and methods of addressing complex PTSD”. — Suman G., Sufferer