There is greatness in everyone of us. We’re all walking miracles. You are a miracle waiting to happen to someone somewhere. Somebody needs the passion, insights, wisdom, expertise, gifts and talent that you carry. But the fact that we’re all loaded with possibilities and potential does not mean that we will all self-actualise and achieve our greatest ideal. This is because your potentials are seeds that must be planted, watered, and nurtured before they can be harvested. Believing in your true self is central to the germination and prosperity of your seeds of greatness.
Unfortunately, many people have disowned their true self. They truly believe that their true self is defective and fundamentally flawed, and therefore can never achieve anything great. So, instead of collaborating with their authentic self, they criticise by collaborating with the inner critics. Thoughts are not just things, they are also destiny-builders. Your life will always move in the direction of your dominant thoughts and imaginations.
To find happiness and progress, it is essential that you choose to totally embrace your true self, in spite of your past. Our past experiences might have been extremely painful, they should not define our future. A new great future of significance and wellness starts with a small step towards self-compassion. Your ability to accept yourself fully in self-compassion, in spite of the past, is critical to maximising your full potential and becoming a true miracle to your world. In this short clip, I share how you can shake off self-criticism and embrace your true-self for greater happiness and progress.