Your mind is your world. How you use your mind to appraise your life will determine the eventuality of your future. In this short clip, I share with you some tips for rewiring the mind for greater things. Continue reading
Years ago when I used to suffer from anxiety, someone told me about the three daily habits that could drastically keep my anxiety at bay and send me on the way to full recovery. Honestly speaking, I doubted their effects until I actually gave them a try. To my surprise, they became a game changer and kick-started my transformation! I share these 3 simple things in the short video below. [video_player type=”youtube” youtube_hide_controls=”Y” youtube_force_hd=”hd1080″ width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ border_size=”10″ border_color=”#052533″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9JRkUta25rOWxCYw==[/video_player] Continue reading
Try the following tips to overcome any kind of loneliness caused by Real-Self Alienation (to understand real-self alienation, read my article on overcoming loneliness): See your loneliness as an internal challenge, as opposed to external. Accept that the cause of your loneliness is beyond the fact that others do not care about connecting with you. Rather look at it as a battle confined to the walls of your mind. If you can win the battle of loneliness in your mind, you will definitely with the loneliness battle in your real world – what happens on the outside of you will Continue reading