Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a brain-driven condition that is characterised by excessive obsessive thoughts, urges or images which are distressing and generating huge anxiety in the process. These obsessions are often accompanied by debilitating compulsive behaviours/mental acts as as the psychic attempt to stay in control and 'ward off' the evil of one's obsessions. But does that mean you're crazy if you have OCD? What are the scientific findings on OCD that can help us find relief and greater will-power to gradually move towards recovery? This is what this short video is all about. Continue reading
If you are anxious about feeling anxious, your nervous system will interpret this as a fresh threat that requires more activation of your fight/flight response. That means more anxiety symptoms for you to deal with. You can see how we can easy get locked in the vicious cycle of the fight /flight/freeze experience, along with its debilitating somatic symptoms. In this clip, I share some important things to be aware of about anxiety to ensure your inner resilience and overall mental wellbeing, while protecting you from feeling anxious about anxiety. Continue reading
Anxiety is a natural survival energy that can become toxic and debilitating if we've been overly exposed to traumatic experiences or chronic stress in the past. In this clip, you will learn three things that you can start to do immediately to rewire your anxious brain. Continue reading